Our principal therapist Angie May Zappala (an accredited  DRUMBEAT facilitator) has completed a DRUMBEAT therapeutic group for individuals with mental health, intellectual and physical disabilities. DRUMBEAT stands for: Discovering Relationships Using Music; Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes & Thoughts. DRUMBEAT is a flexible program combining rhythm and reflection for social and emotional development which is based on neuroscience research. Drumbeat is an evidence based intervention developed by Holyoake Institute which aims to improve the mental, social and emotional wellbeing within high risk populations. The program incorporates both experiential and cognitive based therapies addressing factors influencing mental health, including emotional regulation, communication skills, self-esteem, resilience and social relationships. So what were the benefits?

 Increased co-operation and collaboration and cohesiveness in groups

Increased co-operation and collaboration and cohesiveness in group

Improved relationships with peers and teachers

Improved interpersonal skills

Improved problem solving skills

Increased emotional regulation

Increased self awareness

Reduction in challenging and anti-social behaviour

Angie recorded pre and post outcome measures to record therapeutic and psychological changes for the individuals who participated in the group. The results were impressive! DRUMBEAT requested that Angie write a testimonial statement that they could include on their website. Feel free to read it below or follow this link to read Angie's as well as other testimonials :

"The group had mental health, intellectual and physical disabilities, and many felt that this program would not work for them. However, I believe the group members gained a real sense of belonging. Potentially this was the only sense of belonging to something that they have ever had. They also gained a sense of contribution and recognition that they do matter; they can contribute and achieve something. The opportunity to have their voice and story heard and to take the lead really appeared to be therapeutic for the group. From observation, there were a reduction in the frequency and intensity of the behavioural incidents, an increase in communication demonstrated within the group and an increase in the sense of group cohesion and togetherness. Overall, running this group was a highlight of my career to date."


At Simply Just Be we are always willing to look at flexible ways to provide support to our families and clients. As such, we have recently included the provision of our clinical and therapeutic consultation service via other technological means including video conferencing, skype, phone and email. This allows us to continue providing a high standard of service whilst being flexible to the needs of our clients, particularly those in remote locations.


Simply Just Be has recently joined a consortium of other allied health professionals. This is exciting news for our current and future clients as this means that we can provide a more robust clinical and therapeutic approach to our work practices. Our consortium includes Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Forensic Psychologist as well as a therapy assistant which will be supporting the implementation of our behavioural programs in various settings.


Simply Just Be is proud to be contracted to provide a number of two day training packages on "Child Development and the Impact of Trauma" to a number of direct support workers, teachers and allied health professionals across the Sydney region.

These professionals are extremely important in the lives of individuals who have experienced trauma. Stable, mutually respective, trusting and warm relationships with these individuals are idea - but often difficult to maintain. Often these individuals have only experienced transitory relationships or have been let down by people repeatedly. In many cases they have been abused by the very people who should have protected and cared for them. Hence, the lions share of the work for establishing positive relationships and a therapeutic ecology with these individuals often lie with direct care workers, teachers and allied health staff. Recognising the vital role that these professions play, this training will provide a "foundation" of knowledge around behavioural, sensory processing and trauma-informed strategies and approaches. The training is founded in concepts of neuroscience, attachment theory and trauma-informed approaches. Simply Just Be is excited to fulfil this contract and provide trauma-informed knowledge and approaches to such important professionals who can really make a difference for our children and young ones who experience trauma. 


Our Principal Therapist has been nominated and awarded a NSW Government Recognition award for "Working in Partnerships within the Community". 


At Simply Just Be, we value clinical supervision! We have just completed the Mental Heath Clinical Supervision Program provided by Dr Juliette Drobny from the University of Sydney (Department of Psychiatry). 


We are excited to announce that Simply Just Be has been contracted as the primary Behavioural Specialist providing therapeutic and clinical consults and contributions to an  international publisher. More on this can be found on our Publication page.  


Simply Just Be has been contracted to fulfill a capacity building initiative across a number of Sydney organisations who specialist in the provision of Behavioural Supports and Therapeutic approaches with children who have experienced trauma and/or adverse childhood experiences. This initiative includes the provision of monthly reflective practice meetings to supplement their clinical supervision in order to brainstorm client cases, explore various clinical assessments and therapeutic approaches. Training has been provided in pre and post outcome measures and assessments, attachment/abandonment difficulties, Play Therapy and Case Study demonstrating Traumatic Growth, How to Support children who have been sexually abused, Anxiety Based Behaviours, Domestic Violence and Case Study Formulations. The feedback from this initiative has been overwhelmingly positive that we are now inviting other professionals from other organisations to participate in our Professional Development and Peer Support Group! See some of the feedback below. 

“The discussions help me to recognize how complex this area can be, but also makes me feel more capable of taking on complex clients.”

“This was relevant to my work. Resources were great and presenter was especially on top of their facts and knowledge.”

“Excellent presentations and always very practical. Well organised and presented. It is extremely helpful for me with my clients and cases"

“Training is informative and research based. The presenter has a lot of expertise in a variety of fields.”

“The Behaviour Specialist has provided me with great support, including professional development, resources and clinical decision making support.”

“The peer support group has been so supportive and informative – not only providing us with information, but also allowing us time to reflect on our own experiences.”

“The support and training helps add different perspectives on approaching therapy and Behaviour Support – allows me to take a more holistic approach.”


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