Therapy Groups are a great way to work on a variety of skills alongside peers. Our group therapy sessions are dynamic, fun, engaging and productive. 

  • Beating My Worries Therapy Group (anxiety based difficulties) 
  • Anti-Bullying Workshop
  • Managing my Anger Workshop for little ones
  • Anger Management Workshop for teens
  • Emotions and Self Care Group 
  • "Let's Make Friends" Social Skills Group - (ages between 7-13 years of age) - Social Skills are one of the most important things we can ever teach children. Learning from their peers, starting a conversation, sharing, developing and maintaining friendships are all vital lessons for children to learn. Throughout eight sessions, this therapeutic group aims to facilitate the movement between structured (adult-led and directive) to unstructured (child-initiated and non-directive) activities which are based on the child's interests. By doing so, we aim to develop the social skills that can open the doors to many opportunities for the rest of the child's life. Many of the aims of this program require the child to receive social feedback for their skills to develop, and the aims to be met through validation of experience, emotional relating and pro-social behaviours. This program has been designed intentionally to provide structured opportunities for children to feel connected to their peers through shared experiences, have the effects of their experiences normalized and to experience success. For example, each child has a turn being the "leader". The children also have the opportunity to have these witnessed and reflected upon in order to influence the child's sense of self as capable and achieving, participate in problem solving activities and participate in playful interactions.  Running an eight week group enables the group of children to build group cohesiveness, which in turn provides a stable and safe environment within which to develop new skills and ideas. Importantly, this also provides a context in which to have a facilitated, supported experience of closure and separation. 
  • "Let's Keep Safe" - Relationships, Sexuality and Protective Behaviour  Program - (For males and females with an intellectual disability over the age of 8 years of age) - This educative program covers the following themes: Protective Behaviours, Puberty, Special Relationships and Dating, Concepts of Consent (Yes means Yes/ No means No), Safe Sex Practices, Safety in the Community. Depending upon the individuals' age, service request needs, diagnosis and developmental level, we will isolate key educative topics suitable for the age and developmental level of that individual. This program is suitable for both male and females who may benefit from further support and knowledge around relationships, sexuality and protective behaviours. At the end of the program, the participate will be able to take home their educative program package, which contains over 100 pages of program material. This program package can then be utilized to continue having open discussions around relationships, sexuality and protective behaviours. 

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