Training covers

Supporting Sexuality Traumatised Chidlren (3 hours)

Child Development and the Impact of Trauma (8 hours)

Individuals who directly support children and adults who have been impacted by trauma play a very important role in their lives. Stable, mutually respective, trusting, fun and warm relationships with these children are ideal - but often very difficult to maintain. Often these indivudals have only experienced transitory relationshiops ro have been let down by people repeatedly. In many cases they ahve been abused by the very people who shoudl have protected and cared for them. Hence, the lions share of the work for establishing positive relationshiops and a therapeutic ecology with these individuals are those providing direct care - teachers, social workers and carers. 

Recognising the vital role that direct carers play in the lives of these individuals, this training aims to provide a "foundation" of knowledge around behavioural, sensory processing and trauma-informed strategies and approaches. This presentation is founded in concepts of neuroscience, attachment theory and trauma-informed approaches. 

When implemented, the strategies and recommendations explored in this training attempts to enhance the individuals ecoloyg by creating a therapeutic and active support model. When impelemtned on a systemic level, these strategies may become a long-term preventative strategy for behavioural concerns, and increase general quality of life. 

 Post Traumatic Growth and Resilience (3 hours)

Supporting Individuals who display Challenging Behaviours (Foundation Behaviour Support Strategies) (1/2 day or full day training depending upon needs)

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